One of the reasons I feel have failed to blog at all over the past 4 years is that the barrier to entry was too high. Rather than focusing on writing content, I would spend lots of time trying to remember how to use the tools, get frustrated, and give up. Some of this friction can be removed with a handy Hugo feature called Archetypes.

There are many pages that describe the benefits and how to use archetypes so I won’t try to cover them again here. One page that I found that really helped me to understand how they worked was written by Bruce Wray on CloudCannon.

By creating an archetype, it makes it easier and faster for me to get the outline of a post ready to go, and then I can focus more of my time on writing the actual content.

A couple of things I needed to be mindful of when creating my archetype were:

  • I am using Leaf Bundles for my pages
  • My folder/file naming structure uses the format posts/yyyy/yyyy-MM-dd-page-title, whereas the title should appear using the format Page Title

The first is easy enough to deal with. Hugo has support for directory based archetypes, so I just made sure to save my file with the path /archetypes/posts/

The second is a little more involved, but also relatively simple once you realise Hugo supports a number of functions that can be linked together to manipulate text. I used slicestr to remove the 11 character date portion from the .Name, humanize to turn the hyphens into spaces, and finally title to convert the text to title case.

As I post more, I’ll learn what I need (and what I don’t) in my archetype but here’s what I settled on for now.

title: {{ slicestr .Name 11 | humanize | title }}
date: {{ .Date }}
tags: [ "hugo", "website" ]
cover: {{ .Name }}.webp
coverAlt: Cover Alt Text
coverCaption: Cover Caption
useRelativeCover: true
draft: true


##### Cover photo by

With this in place, the command I used to create this post was:

hugo new posts/2022/2022-12-26-archetypes-are-really-useful

This resulted in this ready to edit file being created with most of the boilerplate stuff in place:

title: Archetypes Are Really Useful
date: 2022-12-26T10:04:00Z
tags: ["hugo", "website"]
cover: 2022-12-26-archetypes-are-really-useful.webp
coverAlt: Cover Alt Text
coverCaption: Cover Caption
useRelativeCover: true


##### Cover photo by

This should dramatically speed up the initial part of the blog writing process, and hopefully lead to more posts!